Experience is
the best teacher.

Engage people in immersive, collaborative, active experiences with Experience Builder.

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Hop on Zoom with us to see how you can use Experience Builder to develop your people with better engagement, deeper learning, and stronger outcomes.

an illustration of someone being creative inside the interface of experience builder.
"I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
I do and I understand."
- Confucius 450 B.C.




Process Change


Ice Breakers




Process Change


Ice Breakers

One platform to...
create, manage, and deliver
immersive and collaborative facilitator-lead experiences
at scale

Give people the
experiences they need
to succeed!

Put them in situations, present them with challenges, set expectations, and let them learn.
All without fear of consequences.

An experience creates space for people to be immersed in a believable and recognizable environment, while working together collaboratively through challenges.

This kind of real engagement drives understanding, application, and behavior change.

Learn how Experience Builder
creates real engagement >

Being Active

Adults learn best when they're involved in the learning process. Participants and Facilitators across all sorts of industries tell us having to DO things made their training easier to digest, understand, and put to use.

Being Immersed

Story-based scenarios that envelop learners, facilitate a comprehensive understanding, boost motivation, and encourage them to invest more effort... pulling them into deeper learning cycles. It feels natural for learners to apply and practice, allowing them to learn from mistakes, and gain confidence.

Collaborating Together

When participants work together to solve problems, complete tasks, and understand new concepts, it enhances critical thinking, improves communication, boosts confidence, promotes deeper understanding of content, and encourages responsibility.

Being In-Context

Context provides a framework to understand new information, and make it relatable and meaningful. Associating new knowledge with existing experience creates stronger neural connections, making application easier. Relevant materials make purpose and value obvious.
Hover the boxes to read more!
A yellow blob shape in the background of the site, used to highlight the "More of" descriptive words






A starburst illustration highlighting the "Less of" descriptive section






A circle shape illustration highlighting the "Less of" descriptive section

In-person, virtually
or blended

Whether your participants are gathered in a room together, or scattered around the world, with Experience Builder you'll achieve higher engagement, deeper learning, and stronger application.

Plus it's more fun for everyone!


Solo Entrepreneurs

Coaches & Consultants... to differentiate themselves, engage their clients, and scale their offering.

Learning & Development Pros

Talent Development organizations and HR functions across industries... to go beyond engaging content and offer their customers real engagement via an experience.

Work Teams

Manufacturing, business and non-profit teams... to bring their stories to life, using them to capture hearts and minds, and change behavior.

Experience Builder enables your
process from design to delivery

(no matter how many hats you wear)
Group of people collaborating during an experience workshop
Click through the roles to read more

Give your people the very experiences they need to succeed.  Put them in situations, present them with challenges, and let them learn... without fear of consequences.

Experience Builder empowers your team and your process every step of the way.


Design and build experiences that achieve deeper objectives and drive valuable outcomes. Create context, characters, and storylines that  immerse participants and spur action and collaboration. Create facilitator-content for consistent quality at any scale.


Work together in real-time, as part of a team. Accomplish tasks and earn points by analyzing situations, making decisions, and solving problems.

While navigating story-based scenarios that feel eerily like your real world you'll have deep insights and start to develop new patterns of behavior.


Support leaders and builders. Schedule the events (workshops, meetings, programs), manage the users, and create reports.


Teach less, while you coach and guide more, at just the right time. Always have what you need when you need it. Focus on the participants' experience ensuring they realize the learning outcomes.

Give your learners
an experience
they’ll remember,
understand, and apply

You CAN engage participants at scale. We’ll show you how. Like the experiences created on our platform, Experience Builder comes alive once you're in it.
Schedule a demo
an illustration of a hand being creative and building experience

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